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By having a solid roof, you are assured that your home is safer from the ravages of the elements. If your roof is faulty, mother nature can ruin your whole home. Knowing how to properly care for your roof saves you trouble in time. Look to all the tips below so you are ready for anything.

One of the biggest foes of your roof is ice. When gutters back up and freeze up, they can push the shingles and even wood up off the top of your house. Once that ice begins to melt, it will leak inside and rot out your home. Watch for ice build up and fix the problem quickly.

With regards to roofing, it is important to consider the weather. For instance, certain roofing materials, like clay, are better in cool climates. These tiles in a rainy area can make your roof deteriorate quickly. If you aren't sure, be sure to ask a knowledgeable professional.

When signing a contract with a roofer, check for the small print about material costs and labor. Do sign with a company which lists the costs and what will happen if their costs increase during the job. Also go with a company which charges around $1.50 a square foot for decking replacement.

Measure twice, cut once. If you will be doing your own roofing job, you want to make sure your measurements are correct. This will save you both time and money. You can assure your measurements are accurate by taking the extra time it takes to measure two, or even three times.

One great way to check up on your roof is from the underneath. Climb up into your attic during the day and check whether any daylight is peeking through. If you can see the sun, that means there is definitely a problem, so call in an inspector right away to determine the issue.

Before you sign anything, make sure you have a proposal from your contractor in writing. It should include scheduling, including the anticipated completion date, a detailed cost analysis, information about what procedures they have for installation, information on your warranty and all the contact information you'll require for the company.

Be sure to inspect the valleys on your roof if you are experiencing a leak anywhere in your home. A valley is where two corners meet, forming a ridge. It is here where water or snow can pool, creating erosion of the roofing materials faster than anywhere else. Check the tiles there first to make sure they are not damaged or for any debris that may be blocking drainage.

The more contact information you get for your roofing company, the better. Ask the project manager or foreman for not only his contact information, but that of the company he works for. You should know his full name and who at the company you should speak to if there is a problem.

Consider whether or not you want to hire a contractor who subcontracts out the work. You won't necessarily know the quality of anyone he hires to do the job, so you may end up with a subpar roof in the end. Contractors who do the work themselves are better choices in the end.


When deciding on a roofing contractor to repair or inspect your roof, you would be wise to choose a local one that has a permanent address. In the event of an emergency, such as a leak or natural disaster, it will make your life a lot easier to have a roofer that is local.


When working on your roof while it is hot, always take plenty of breaks. The heat of the sun can get to you and cause problems. If you will be working during the heat of the day, be sure you take a break often and drink plenty of water.

Do not pay upfront for the services a roofer provides. This is a trick used amongst scam artists who never intend on actually repairing or replacing your roof. You should be giving them a certain amount before they begin and give them the rest once the job is completed and you are pleased.

Consider installing a metal roof that is specially coated if you are looking to become more environmentally friendly. These materials are fully recyclable, and they can help you save on energy costs. Unlike most roofing options, a metal roof can be installed on top of an old roof, meaning the old roof will not have to be removed.

You should not make the assumption that you need a new roof. Call someone and have them come and take a look before you spend any money. Many times people pay to get completely new roofing, when they could have had their old one repaired at a much lower cost.

When you hire a roofing contractor, make sure you find one that guarantees his work. It is also important that the contractor carries insurance that covers his employees on the job. You should not need to worry that your property insurance will be charged is a workers falls from your roof and is injured.

Licensed contractors carry insurance to cover any problems that arise from accidents or damage. If they're not insured then you may have to pay for any damages that happen to them. This is why it's never a good idea to hire someone that doesn't have any insurance. Always speak with the contractor to see if they have this information, and contact the insurance company they work with to see if the information is correct.

Never pay the entire balance of a roofing contract before all of the work is done. It is not unusual for contractors to request funds up front so they can pay for materials and other expenses, but the full amount should not be paid until the work is completed up to your standards.

Make sure that there is a solid contract in place before you allow anyone to start work on the home. The contract should detail everything about the job, including costs and the amount of time it should take. Also, make sure that it is signed by you and the one you are contracting.

This article has shown you some excellent ideas on how to repair your roof, as well as how to select the best roofing contractor. Make use of these ideas so that you can get your roof in top condition again. No homeowner deserves to go through the struggles of a damaged roof.