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Some roofers won't offer you the best quality and price. It is important that you are knowledgeable on the matter in order to have a healthy roof. Read this article to learn all about roofing.

While it may sound backwards, one of the best times to find a leak is when it's completely dry out. Keep an eye out for things like mold in corners, unusually dark ceiling tiles, and damp insulation. You can use these things to guide you to the spot the leak is coming from.

Some leaks are caused by shingles, but you should check your roof's foundation. If your home has dry rot in the outside walls, water can enter there. Check everything over to ensure it is up to snuff.

Do what you can to keep your gutters clear from debris. If your gutters are clogged it can lead to water sitting on your roof for an extended period of time. That can then lead to water damage to the roof, which then could lead to some very heavy leaking. Prevent disaster by keeping up on your gutters through the year.

Don't use band-aid solutions. It's cheap, but will lead to expensive problems. The smartest thing to do is to completely fix the problem as quickly as possible to prevent things from getting worse.

If you will be going up on your roof to fix a leak, always work with a buddy. Roofing can be really dangerous and a fall can be devastating. Using a harness will help to ensure no bad accidents happen. You always want to wear rubber soled shoes for extra traction too.

Never try to repair a roof in the rain or snow. Climbing onto a roof when the weather is poor could result in injury or even death. Instead, do your best to contain the leak from inside your home with tarps and buckets, and wait until the weather improves before climbing on to the roof.


Conduct a thorough roof inspection over the entire surface, so you do not miss any problem areas. The material should be bonded well, and fasteners are secured. If you want to work on a certain area, the material must be clean and dry. Be safe when working on the roof to avoid injury.

When signing a contract with a roofer, check for the small print about material costs and labor. Do sign with a company which lists the costs and what will happen if their costs increase during the job. Also go with a company which charges around $1.50 a square foot for decking replacement.

Keep an eye on your roof's color. If you spot streaks, this could mean that your roof is infested with algae or mold. Your roof can recover if this is addressed right away, but if you let the problem fester, your roof's lifespan could be significantly shortened. Infestations like this can also cause leaks.

Consider the type of roofing materials used on other homes in your neighborhood. It is best to blend in and avoid standing out as too different. You home will seem more attractive to a prospective buyer when it looks as if it fits into the neighborhood in which it is located.

If you are looking to have a roof installed which will last the test of time, consider slate. These roofs often last over a century! You must have very strong trusses in place to support such a heavy roof, but when you invest in this material, you really get bang for your buck!

When it comes to hiring a roofing contractor, it is extremely important to familiarize yourself with the warranties and guarantees said company offers. This goes both for the materials they use and the work they provide. It is important that you have certain assurances with any work that will be done on your roof so that you are protected.

If you plan on working on your roof yourself, make sure that you take the proper precautions before you begin. Perhaps the most important thing for you to remember is to wear rubber soled shoes. This will prevent your from slipping as it will provide a stable footing as you work.

Before you hire a roofing contractor, know a bit about roofing. Learn everything possible about types of roofs, best practices and any other relevant topic prior to speaking to contractors. This helps you avoid scammers, as you will know what it takes to get your roof repaired or replaced properly.


All reputable contractors should be licensed and insured and be happy to show you proof of both. If they don't have this, don't hire them. If you hire a contractor who is not properly insured, you will have to cover any damage they cause.

Whenever you are making repairs or inspecting your roof, you need to wear the right shoes. Roofs can be quite slippery so make sure that your shoes have good traction on them. Generally, you want your shoes to have a rubber sole as this material will give you the best grip.

If you notice roof damage towards the middle of your roof, then it is likely you do not have water damage. Instead, you probably have dry rot, which occurs whenever the plywood is deteriorating. You can prevent this problem by putting in a ridge vent. However, in order to install this type of vent, you must have a properly running soffit vent. Drill holes through the soffit vent so cool air comes from the bottom and warm air is pushed out the top.

Do not accept the material cost quotes from just one contractor. Shady contractors can charge more than double of their costs for the materials used. Do your research before committing to a contractor, and if they quote a high cost for a certain material ask them for a reason for the cost difference.

Now that you have read the article above, you should have a much better understanding of how roofing works. Make sure to remember what you have read, and refer back to this information should you ever need any roofing advice. Keeping your roof in tip top shape is extremely important in order to keep both you and your family safe.